MILES - MIL and PRE-BUNKING approaches for Critical thinking in the education sector
The MILES - MIL and PRE-BUNKING approaches for Critical thinking in the education sector project is an Erasmus Partnerships for Innovation - Forward Looking... more
COMPASS - In support of students' competence assessment
COMPASS is an Erasmus+ KA220-SCH - Cooperation... more
”Literacy and Critical Thinking for Learning” Intervention
The Romanian RWCT Association is one of the founding organisations of the EDU Networks programme and one of the educational... more
Get Readers on the Wavelength of Emotions (GROWE)
`Get Readers on the Wavelength of Emotions` is an Erasmus+ project... more
Making the Most of the Magic of Reading (3MR)
Making the most of the magic of reading is an Erasmus+ ... more
Blended Learning in Teachers‘ Professional Development - Developing a Blended Learning Course in Content Area Literacy for Secondary Teachers (BleTeach)
Blended Learning in Teachers‘ Professional Development (BleTeach) is an Erasmus+ project under KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices:... more
Emotional Education for Early School Leaving Prevention (EUMOSCHOOL)
The Romanian RWCT Association will be engaged in the implementation of EUMOSCHOOL, as an associate partner and member of RWCT IC. EUMOSCHOOL is an Erasmus +, KA2 project. Partners: •... more
Integrated reading and writing support in vocational education and training
Integrated reading and writing support in vocational education and training is an Erasmus+ KA2 project - reference number: VG‐SPS‐RP‐15‐36‐013584. The... more
Together Against Poverty (TAP)
As member organization of the RWCT International Consortium, the Romanian RWCT... more
Implementation Strategies for Innovations in Teachers' Professional Development – ISIT
The project Implementation Strategies for Innovations in... more
Literacy Cubed – Focus on Roma Families
As member organization of the RWCT International Consortium, the Romanian RWCT... more
Learning to be Good Mentors (LeGMe)
As member organization of the RWCT International Consortium, the Romanian RWCT Association is actively involved in the implementation of the project Learning to be a Good... more
Social Media & Adult Trainings (SMAT)
The project Social Media & Adult Trainings (SMAT) (GRU - 12 – P – LP... more
Global Citizenship Lab: Berlin – La Courneuve – Cluj-Napoca
The project aims to contribute to the development of European citizenship skills of youth from socially disadvantaged backgrounds in Berlin (Germany), La Corneuve (France) and Romania... more
Mentoring for the empowerment of disenfranchised youth
The project aims to empower disenfranchised youth to be able to fully, responsibly and effectively participate in... more
Create - Motivate - Learn (CreMoLe)
As member organization of the RWCT International Consortium, the Romanian RWCT... more
Integration and Diversity in Education in Europe (IDEE)
The project Integration and Diversity in Education in Europe (IDEE) is implemented within the programme Europe for Citizens, in partnership with Open Society... more
Promoting authentic assessment in the Romanian in-service teacher training system
The project Promoting authentic assessment in the Romanian in-service teacher training system is implemented by the Romanian RWCT Association as part of its... more
Scholarship for Roma highschool students
The project Scholarship for Roma highschool students is implemented in partnership with the Resource... more
Roma Teachers - a Key to Roma Students' School Success
The project Roma Teachers - a Key to Roma Students' School Success is implemented in partnership with the Resource... more
Youth for Democracy: What does it take to be an active citizen?
The project Youth for Democracy: What does it take to be an active citizen? was implemented in partnership with Youth Consulting and Educational Center Association... more
MorePAL - More Parents Associated for Learning
The MorePAL project was implemented in partnership with the County Council of the City and County of Cardiff... more
Community Action for Children's Science Learning
The Community Action for Children's Science Learning project was implemented in partnership with... more
Treasure Diversity
The Treasure Diversity project was implemented in partnership with the Ethnocultural Diversity Resource Center. Donor:... more
Empowering Roma Teachers
The Empowering Roma Teachers project was implemented in partnership with the Resource Center for Roma Communities,... more
Academic Success for Roma Children
Academic success for Roma Children is an international project that was implemented simultaneously in six counties: Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia... more
Linking the European Family - I, you, we
The project Linking the European Family – I, you, we was developed in partnership with Cardiff... more
The Teenagers Parliament
The Teenagers Parliament was developed in partnership with the Ethnocultural Diversity Resource Center. Donor:... more
Fighting Marginalization by Encouraging People to Play an Active Role in Solving Their Own Problems
The project Fighting Marginalization by Encouraging People to Play an Active Role in Solving Their Own Problems was developed in partnership with the Ethnocultural... more