

Learning to be Good Mentors (LeGMe)

As member organization of the RWCT International Consortium, the Romanian RWCT Association is actively involved in the implementation of the project Learning to be a Good Mentor (LeGMe). The project  is implemented with the support of the Lifelong learning programme, Grundtvig Learning Partnership (project’s reference number 2013-1-RO1-GRU06-29565 1).

The partnership consists of 8 organisations from 8 countries: Romania, Switzerland, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Norway and Slovakia.
Summary: LeGMe, a 2-year learning partnership project comprising eight organisations from different European countries, aims to prepare the human and pedagogical resources for the partners to be able to establish effective mentoring programmes in support of their respective communities' adults and young children with a view to empowering them for meaningful, responsible contribution to the community's welfare. Essentially, we will provide learning opportunities for adults (mentors and mentors’ coaches) to enable them to better support successful non-formal education. Our partnership will facilitate sharing mentoring programme experiences and effective practices among European colleagues. By supporting each other within the partnership, we will create coaching programmes for mentors in each partner organisation. LeGMe will develop mentor support / coaching programmes tailored to the needs of diverse categories of mentees, and a guidebook for mentors and mentor programme coordinators. In the mentoring programmes we will engage those adults who have time to allocate to mentoring: pensioners, unemployed people, college students, etc., who thus will gain the sense of contributing to the community's welfare by being pro-active in meeting the needs of their communities as responsible adults, which is a significant dimension of adults along their life.  The outputs of our project will include findings of an analysis of existing mentoring programmes for disenfranchised groups in the partner countries, a common frame and guidelines for building mentors’ coaching programmes; and eight tailored coaching programmes. The results and outcomes of our project will be disseminated to relevant interested stakeholders who will thus be inspired to adopt the mentor coaching models we will develop.
Duration: 1st of August 2013 – 31st of July 2015.
Target groups: adults who have time to allocate to mentoring: pensioners, unemployed people, college students etc., mentors’ coaches.
Goal: prepare the human and pedagogical resources for the partners to be able to establish effective mentoring programmes in support of their respective communities' adults and young children with a view to empowering them for meaningful, responsible contribution to the community's welfare.
  • provide opportunities for adults to learn while making a useful contribution to the community's welfare, by supporting young children's school integration and academic success;
  • provide opportunities for mentors to share experiences and practices from their respective countries and work together with European colleagues to prepare to support young children;
  • provide opportunities for mentors' coaches to share experiences and practices of supporting mentors from their respective countries and work together with European colleagues to improve their coaching practices;
  • create a coaching programme(s) for mentors.
Types of activities: Collect existing mentoring programmes for disenfranchised young children and youth, and analyze mentors’ training/ coaching programme; develop the common frame and guidelines for building mentors’ coaching programmes; develop the coaching program in each partner organisation, by filling the frame, observing the guidelines to obtain relevant coaching programmes for the category of mentors available in each organisation; test the mentors’ coaching programs, with on-going monitoring and evaluation of the coaching programmes and e-learning support; based on evaluation results, revise and finalise each organisation's specific mentor coaching programme; dissemination and valorization of the project’s results.
Deliverables and outcomes:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Literacy and Critcal Thinking for Learning

The inservice teacher training programme Literacy and Critical Thinking for Learning has been accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Education. 

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Math Lessons for Critical Thinking - Book

The Book "Math Lessons for Critical Thinking" is written by Ariana Văcăreţu and it was published with the support of the Romanian RWCT Association. The book is available in Romanian language.
