

Community Action for Children's Science Learning

The Community Action for Children's Science Learning project was implemented in partnership with Babes - Bolyai University Cluj - Napoca, Cluj County School Inspectorate, Windesheim University Zwolle Netherlands.

Donor: MATRA KAP / Dutch Foreign Ministry

Duration: 2006-7

Target groups: 20 community members (mostly parents or grandparents of school children) in one of the following neighbourhoods in Cluj: Someseni, Dambu Rotund or Iris; at least 20 volunteer university students; at least 50 schoolchildren from Cluj; at least 3 science teachers from Cluj.

Project goals:

- develop and promote the vision of a pro-active community learning centre hosting a “simple science” workshop

- promote scientific culture and children’s hands-on learning by providing access to a variety of real-life small scale model gadgets to experiment with

- develop community spirit and promote pro-activeness by engaging volunteer members of the community in preparing the space and the gadgets for the simple science workshop.

Types of activities:

- Community meeting, training of volunteers, setting up the workshop, operation / maintenance of the Workshop.

Deliverables and outcomes:

-          First simple science workshop set up in the city of Cluj, in a disadvantaged area.

-          increased community participation for the benefit of the children and of the entire community;

-          children’s experiential learning and life skills improved;

-          students’ and community members’ availability for volunteering increased.

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Literacy and Critcal Thinking for Learning

The inservice teacher training programme Literacy and Critical Thinking for Learning has been accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Education. 

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Math Lessons for Critical Thinking - Book

The Book "Math Lessons for Critical Thinking" is written by Ariana Văcăreţu and it was published with the support of the Romanian RWCT Association. The book is available in Romanian language.
