
Publications - Other publications

Literacy and Critical Thinking for Learning - Professional Development Experiences

GROWE Training Course Curriculum

This publication contains the description of the GROWE teacher training course curriculum. GROWE... more

GROWE Methodology for Data Collection

This publication contains a description of the data collection methodology we used to identify the outcomes/impact of implementing the GROWE training course. ... more

Collection of GROWE lesson plans

A collection of 16 GROWE lesson plans.

National Report - Romania (ISIT Project)

 The present report contains the analysis and synthesis of the information included in the implementation logbooks filled out by the BaCuLit trainers in order to document... more

Using social media and Web 2.0 in adult education – SMAT project

This guidebook intends to exemplify how social media can be used successfully in adult training.The guidebook is available ... more

RWCT’s Impact on Romanian Teachers’ Classroom Instruction and Reflection Practices

 By 2020, the European Commission aims to reduce the percentage of 15-year-olds... more

Mentoring for the empowerment of disenfranchised youth

This book presents the work carried out within the Mentoring for the empowerment of disenfranchised youth Project which was implemented by Romanian RWCT Association and... more

Assessment in CLIL

 This book presents the work carried out within the AECLIL European Project and describes both, the process and the outcomes produced by the teachers and the researchers involved... more

Proceedings of the RWCT Romania Conference - The RWCT Program & Classroom Assessment

This volume contains the papers that were presented in the RWCT Romania Conference, held on the 24th of November 2012, at Colegiul Tehnic Energetic Cluj-Napoca.The... more

Romanian Case study - IDEE Project

... more

Authentic assessment in the in-service teacher training system. Guidebook for training providers

This guidebook is one of the Promoting Authentic Assessment in the Romanian In-Service Teacher Training System project outputs. The project was implemented... more

Analysis of the current situation in assessing teachers' competences upon completion of accredited in-service teacher training programs in Romania

The material was elaborated by Maria Kovacs, Romanian RWCT Association, within the Promoting authentic assessment in the Romanian in-service teacher training... more

Math lessons for critical thinking; author: Ariana-Stanca Văcăreţu

Math Lessons for Critical Thinking intends to offer secondary mathematics teachers suggestions for incorporating reading, writing, and discussion activities in the... more

Learning Together - Help you child at school - A Practical Guide for Families

The family is the children’s first teacher. It is the family that shapes the child’s attitude to learning. It is in the family that children learn to communicate, socialise... more

Lessons for critical thinking; author: Romanian RWCT Association

This guidebook was published for preuniversity teachers. It contains lesson plans developed around the E-R-R framework (after the model promoted in the RWCT programme), observing... more

Education against corruption - methodological guide; author: Romanian RWCT Association

The book is an introduction to tackling corruption through education, at both preuniversity and university levels in Lithuania and Romania. In addition, this book provides... more


General Assembly

Literacy and Critcal Thinking for Learning

The inservice teacher training programme Literacy and Critical Thinking for Learning has been accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Education. 

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Math Lessons for Critical Thinking - Book

The Book "Math Lessons for Critical Thinking" is written by Ariana Văcăreţu and it was published with the support of the Romanian RWCT Association. The book is available in Romanian language.
