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In-service training course - deadline 22 August 2012
August 17, 2012

RWCT International Consortium invites you to attend the first session of the “Motivating adult learners' participation and persistence in lifelong learning - strategies & practical tips” Grundtvig / Comenius training course will take place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, from September 3rd till 7th.
You are welcome to apply by sending an intention letter at, before August 22, 2012.
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Literacy and Critcal Thinking for Learning

The inservice teacher training programme Literacy and Critical Thinking for Learning has been accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Education. 

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Math Lessons for Critical Thinking - Book

The Book "Math Lessons for Critical Thinking" is written by Ariana Văcăreţu and it was published with the support of the Romanian RWCT Association. The book is available in Romanian language.
